SOUTH ABINGTON TOWNSHIP requires buildings within 150 feet of the sewer line to connect to the system…
Sewer System Requirements South Abington Township
For Sewer Account Certification, complete the attached form and remit payment at least 7 days in advance.
SOUTH ABINGTON TOWNSHIP requires buildings within 150 feet of the sewer line to connect to the system.
As of 1/1/15, each single family dwelling is billed a flat rate of $140.00 per quarter.
Please contact the Township office for rates on anything other than a single family dwelling.
Bills can be paid by mail, or brought to the Township Office during normal business hours. After normal business hours, there is a mail drop slot located in the rear of the building for your convenience. We do not accept credit card payments.
EMERGENCIES involving sewer lines (after regular office hours), should be reported by calling the Lackawanna County Communications Center at 570-342-9111. You may also call the main office number at 570-586-2111, extension 5 and follow the voice directions.
South Abington Sewer lines are tied into the Abington Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. For more information, please go directly to their webpage by clicking here.
How is Wastewater Treated
Flushable wipes aren’t biodegradable and can cost you in the long run!