Parks And Recreation

The Abington Heights Honor Society donated their services to spread mulch around the children’s play area on Wednesday, May 23rd, 2019.

Welcome to the official page for Parks & Recreation Department…
The South Abington “Rec” Park is located at 642 Northern Boulevard, adjacent to the South Abington Elementary School. Many groups use the athletic fields for various events, such as softball, t-ball, little league practice, soccer. Basketball courts, adjusted seasonally for lights, are available.
A children’s’ playground, updated during the summer of 2014, is a popular feature year round, as is the Walking Trail which starts at the Basketball Court and ends at Layton Road. There are two covered bridges along this trail. The trail is used by many throughout the region, and is decorated during the holiday season along with the remainder of the Park. All dog walkers are asked to pick up a “doggie bag”, compliments of Abington Veterinary Referral Center, before you begin your walk.
In the summer months, the renowned “Splash Park” is operational, weather permitting. There is also a picnic pavilion; reservations are not accepted. The Township operates on a first come, first serve basis. There are also newly installed handicap accessible bathrooms. The Park is also available to groups for events such as flea markets and car shows. The Park is open dawn through 11:00 PM, and rules are posted at the entrance. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE NOT ALLOWED. Questions regarding park usage can be addressed by calling the Township Office at 570-586-2111. The scheduled usage of fields, can be found below.
South Abington Township is home to two recreation parks. The other park is physically located within South Abington, but is under the control of the Abington Area Joint Recreation Board. This Board has participating members from South Abington Township, Clarks Green and Clarks Summit Boroughs and Glenburn and Waverly Townships. The Park is called Hillside Community Park and is located on Route 307 near the Clarks Summit State Hospital. The facilities and services this park offers can be found by accessing the AAJRB webpage. Each summer, a Wednesday night concert series is offered from 6 PM to dusk.
Located above the soccer fields at Hillside Community Park is the Abington Community Dog Park, which is maintained by volunteers. The park is divided into large dog and small dog sections, and includes tables and chairs for the two -legged visitors. ALL VISITORS ARE REQUIRED TO CLEAN UP AFTER THEIR PETS. The current volunteer effort is to provide fresh running water for the pets.